Published inPacificEdgeBy the fallsAn overnight trek when I was assistant instructor on a bush guiding course.4d ago4d ago
Published inPERMACULTURE journalAn edible bountyShouldn’t we who have a home garden be grateful? Growing some of what we eat is something so many are shut out from doing thanks to the…4d ago4d ago
Published inPacificEdgeCelebration of a pungent plantLov & Faz were part way through Don’t Think Twice, the early Dylan number, when we arrived. Two women — a duo on acoustic guitars…Mar 1Mar 1
Published inPacificEdgeVignettes: If we were having a coffee right now…Vignettes are short pieces, mere moments of encapsulated time like brief scenes in a movie. They are glimpses, not complete stories. They…Feb 5Feb 5
Published inPacificEdgeIndigenous welcoming ceremonies: fake or authentic?Welcome to country and acknowledgement of country ceremonies are accepted by many as a means of reconciling Australian Aboriginal and…Jan 251Jan 251
Published inPERMACULTURE journalMizunaAn Asian vegetable with edible leaf and flowers that attract bees.Jan 19Jan 19
Published inPERMACULTURE journalAI and permaculture: what future?Permaculture practitioners have tussled with new technology in the past. Now, along comes AI to offer a new challenge.Jan 51Jan 51